Thursday, June 20, 2019

Thank You | Dear Past

Image Credit : Quotesbysoul

Dear Past,
Thank You for the Lessons.
Dear Future,
I am Ready.

In the past, I had always wanted to be popular to hang around with the cool kids. I had always tried to do different things to impress them. From trying to impress them with knowledge, which most of the time worked, to eating the fastest, which also worked. Despite all of this, I never succeeded; due to people always bullied me. Most of the time, people joined in, because the bullying were cool. Another thing that brought me down was my petite knowledge of sports. I tried getting into sports at one point, but it just wasn’t my thing. I am more a sitting down kind of guy, usually studying and working and occasionally watching a movie show or playing a video game. Because of the kind of person I was, I did not have many friends like me, and because of this, most people did not say anything about the bullying. Sometimes at home, I would cry by myself silently, and I was usually a little bit depressed. The past has shown me that I shouldn’t try to be popular or cool, I should just be myself. In middle school, I decided to be myself, and now I have a multitude of kind friends and teachers who encourage my studying and small personal projects. Ever since middle school I have been a happier and hardworking person.

Think Positive, Positive Vibes Comes In To You . . . .

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